10 buenas razones para tomar tequila (2024)

El tequila se ha hecho famoso alrededor del mundo, pero no todos saben que no solo sirve para olvidar las penas y ponernos a cantar. Su consumo moderado puede resultar beneficioso para el organismo.

El tequila va más allá de solo ser una bebida alcohólica. Durante mucho tiempo fue utilizado para curar enfermedades y tratar problemas de insomnio.

Para los indígenas mexicanos era un regalo de los dioses que aliviaba el malestar del cuerpo y ayudaba a los hombres a recuperar su fuerza y salud.

¿Cuáles son los beneficios de tomar un shot de tequila?

1.- Un shot de tequila antes de dormir (solo uno) te ayudará a relajarte ayudándote conciliar el sueño más rápido.

2.-Es un excelente digestivo para después de comer

3.- Tiene la propiedad de disolver las grasas, así que te ayudará a mantener tus niveles de colesterol bueno, reduciendo el malo.

4.- Puede ayudar a evitar enfermedades cardiovasculares.

5.-Excelente remedio para el resfriado: 15 ml de tequila blanco, 15 ml de mezcal y 15 mil de jugo de limón fresco te harán sentir mucho mejor.

6.- Ayuda a la absorción de calcio en los huesos, evitando problemas de osteoporosis.

7.- Puede prevenir la Diabetes al estimular la hormona GLP-1, incrementando la producción de insulina.

8.- Es bajo en calorías

9.- Te ayuda a perder peso, ya que el agave disminuye el apetito. Siempre que lo tomes solo y no en margaritas con azúcar.

10.- Es un afrodisíaco natural.

Así que a tomar tequila, pero ojo, todo con medida, pues en exceso tiene los mismos efectos secundarios negativos de cualquier bebida alcohólica.

10 buenas razones para tomar tequila (2024)


What are the 10 benefits of tequila? ›

Top 10 Reasons Tequila Is Good For Your Health
  • It helps lower blood sugar. ...
  • It aids in weight loss. ...
  • You don't really get hungover. ...
  • It helps fight cholesterol. ...
  • Tequila may be used to help treat colds. ...
  • It helps you numb the pain. ...
  • Diabetics can indulge too. ...
  • It won't make you feel as bloated as beer or vodka.

Is drinking a shot of tequila everyday good for you? ›

The agave that tequila is derived from contains fructans, a short-chain polymer that supplies probiotics — beneficial bacteria found in the intestines. Thus, drinking a small amount of tequila may benefit digestive health, but be careful not to overdo it; too much tequila has the opposite effect on the body.

What is the healthiest way to drink tequila? ›

Drinking tequila neat tends to be the preferred way for consumers looking for a healthier choice,” counsels Bertha Gonzalez-Nieves, co-founder and CEO of Casa Dragones and Maestra Tequilera.

How often should you drink tequila? ›

Potential Health Benefits of Tequila

Drinking alcohol in moderation may provide health benefits. For women, moderate consumption is about one drink a day. Men can have up to two drinks.

Is tequila bad for your liver? ›

“It's important to understand that alcohol really can't be a 'healthy' drink,” says Seattle-based registered dietitian nutritionist Ginger Hultin. “It has a proven link to some cancers and it only is negative to the liver.

Is tequila good for the heart? ›

These molecules have also been found to stimulate your metabolism, unlike most alcohol, which slows it way down. A study from the American Chemical Society suggests that tequila could have the heart-healthy ability to lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol.

What are the side effects of tequila? ›

Other side effects of tequila mirror the side effects of other alcoholic drinks and include headaches, dizziness, vomiting, lack of balance or coordination, slurred speech, and shakiness.

Is tequila worse for your liver than beer? ›

Myth 3: Drinking hard liquor is worse than drinking beer or wine. Contrary to popular belief, the type of alcohol you drink doesn't make a difference – what matters is how much you drink. "The safe limit is fixed at 14 units a week," explains Dr Lui. "Below this limit, alcoholic fatty liver is less likely to occur.

What are the benefits of tequila? ›

The dietary fiber in agave tequila benefits the growth of good bacteria in the digestive system, which soothes digestion. Agavin helps control blood sugar by lower blood glucose levels and promoting higher insulin levels.

Does tequila cleanse the colon? ›


This is good news for fighting colon disease. Researchers have used fructans to help deliver drugs to the colon to fight diseases such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Which type of tequila is best? ›

Añejo tequilas are aged from one to three years and are considered the best type of tequila for sipping because of their smoother flavor. Añejo means “vintage,” and they are darker than reposado tequilas.

Which tequila has no sugar? ›

Los Dos is produced in small batches in the highlands of Jalisco, Mexico, using 100% blue agave and no added sugar or flavoring.

How long does tequila stay in your system? ›

In general, a blood test can measure alcohol in your body for up to 6 hours after your last drink, while breathalyser tests work for between 12 and 24 hours. Urine tests, such as the ethyl glucuronide (EtG) test, are also effective for around 12 to 24 hours after use.

Is tequila good for your stomach? ›

Aids digestion. Sipping on some tequila after a meal has also been known to soothe and assist digestion. The agave plant contains high levels of inulin, a dietary fiber that helps the digestive system grow good bacteria. Benefiting gut health, the inulin in the agave plant makes tequila a great digestif!

Does tequila make you pee a lot? ›

Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it increases urine production. When people drink high quantities of alcohol, it can cause the kidneys to filter more fluids and get rid of them by making the body urinate more frequently.

Why is tequila the healthiest alcohol? ›

Tequila is made from natural sugar, agave nectar, whereas other spirits can be distilled with refined sugars that may be high in calories or processed corn syrup. Quality tequila, like Casa Mexico Tequila, has no added preservatives or artificial colors. Tequila also contains fewer calories than many other spirits.

Does tequila calm nerves? ›

Small amounts of tequila are often used as a nightcap to help calm the nerves and relax the body. Helpful for insomniacs or others who struggle with falling asleep, this muscle relaxant helps you unwind and promote a good night's sleep.

What is the healthiest alcohol? ›

If what you're looking for is the lowest-calorie, lowest-sugar alcohol, you'll want to stick with clear liquors, registered dietitian Alex Aldeborgh says. This includes vodka, gin, rum, tequila, soju and sake, among others, which will generally have less calories and less sugar.

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