136 Cool Minecraft Building Ideas To Try In 2022 (Files and Guides) (2024)

Table of Contents
Cool Minecraft Build Ideas 1. Working Hot Tub Build Idea 2. Small Statues Builds 3. Minecraft Park Theme Build Idea 4. Fireplace For Minecraft House Build Idea 5. 370 Custom Trees 6. Sliding Door 7. Roads for Cities 8. Bathroom and Mirror 9. Apple Computer 10. Carrier Strike Group 11. Elevator 12. Laser Door 13. Working Chair 14. Bed Pillows 15. RV/Camper 16. School 17. Zoo 18. Farm 19. Space Station 20. Dump Truck 21. Highway 22. Colossus Robot 23. Modern House 24. Chicago City Hall 25. College Campus 26. Gas Station 27. Castle 28. Mine 29. Bridge 29. Apartment 30. Furniture 31. Skyscraper 32. Airplane 33. Cruise Ship 34. Pool 35. Roller Coaster 36. Floating Mountain 37. Zen Garden 38. Bar 39. Wine Store 40. Igloo 41. Jurassic Park 42. Waterfall 43. Car Dealership 44. Drone 45. Bus 46. Medieval Mansion 47. Your Neighborhood 48. White House 49. Giant Mushroom 50. Avatar Monorail Station 51. Galos Citadel 52. Eiffel Tower 53. Italian House 54. Fountain 55. Basketball Court 56. Realistic Biomes 57. Temple Of Heskara 58. Leaning Tower of Pisa 59. Mario 60. Colosseum 61. Replicate favorite building in a video game 62. Your House 63. Movie Cinema 64. Favorite Historic Building 65. Tree House 66. Underwater Palace 67. Space Dome 68. Taj Mahal 69. Pyramid 70. Stonehenge 71. Survival Base World 72. Beach Front Vacation House 73. WWII Bunkers 74. Warehouse 75. Japanese Houses 76. Santa’s Outpost 77. Solar Power Plant 78. Office Building 79. The Crooked House 80. Trick or Treat House 81. Library 82. Horse Stables 83. New York WTC 84. Dirt Catherdral 85. Working Lighthouse 86. Mountain Valley 87. Fort 88. Windmill 89. Prison 90. Library 91. Fire Station Converted To House 92. Statue of Zeus at Olympia 93. Meetlife Tower 94. Supermarket 95. Beach 96. Church 97. Airport 98. Hagia Sophia 99. Football Stadium 100. Tennis court 101. Pagoda 102. Submarine 103. Viking Castle 104. Pirate Ship 105. Empire State Building 106. Hotel & Casino 107. Olympic Stadium 108. Temple of Xanthos 109. Village 110. Pixel Version Of Your Heroes 111. Alitheia Greek Courthouse 112. Pokemon FireRed GBA 113. Cluny Abbey 114. Castle Falkenstein 115. Laptop 116. Star Wars City 117. Forest 118. Hotel 119. Electric Locomotive 120. Target 121. Six Flags 122. Washington Monument 123. Great Pyramid of Giza 124. Hanging Gardens of Babylon 125. Tribe Jungle 126. Erisia Cathedral 127. Brooklyn Bridge 128. Grand Canyon 129. Echo Tower 130. Lyme Park 131. Dash Towers 132. Game Console 133. Helicopter 134. Upgrade Your Pathways 135. Minecraft Challenges 136. Woodland Mansion

Running out of ideas for what to build in Minecraft?

Don’t worry, we took the time to search for the best building ideas and listed them here!

We looked in forums, Minecraft servers this list of smp servers, our own blog, the best Minecraft builders in Youtube, asked friends, etc.

Literally looked everywhere and got the ultimate Minecraft building ideas list.

Or course, these are just suggestions and the list it essentially limit less! But found tutorials, schematic files, videos, images, everything to help you build each and every one of them.

So make sure to save or bookmark this link because we know you will want to come back to it.

Without further ado let’s jump into the list of what to build in Minecraft.

Cool Minecraft Build Ideas

1. Working Hot Tub Build Idea

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Did you build a Mansion and now you are in the process of adding stuff and fourniture to it? Then a hot tub would be a great addition. On this post we added what you would need to build it, unfortunately looks like the original creator deleted the video tutorial but at least we saved the items you need to build it so hopefully you can figure out lol

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2. Small Statues Builds

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In this tutorial for making easy small statues you will find an easy to follow guide with images on how to add them into your world. These statues would look great in a park in your city or if you have a castle they would also look great by the entrance.

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3. Minecraft Park Theme Build Idea

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This build is more for the ones who probably are just starting with their world a need big ideas to cover more space. The MinePark build is a Theme Park created by iRiZ Gaming and has all the things you would find on any real life theme park, from the ticketing entrance to roller coasters. The builder put a lot of thought and work into it and it definitely paid off.

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4. Fireplace For Minecraft House Build Idea

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Some time ago we shared this post with 9 fireplace ideas in which you would find at least one that fits your build. If you have a Mansion and haven’t put one inside it then you should definitely check these out. The fireplaces go pretty much with any build you are working on, the post doesn’t have schematic files but does have a video and screenshots for you to get ideas and implement them yourself.

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5. 370 Custom Trees

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As said before, all of these posts have been shared long time ago and this Tree Bundle with 370 custom trees has been one of those posts that our visitors love because comes in pretty handy when building cities, no one has enough time to build so many trees and even if you do, you will probably run of ideas so there is no better way to do it than checking out this tree bundle built by exsili (wherever you are, we thank you!)

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6. Sliding Door

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Do you have any automated sliding door in your build? If your answer is not then you should visit this post we made with this really cool redstone door created by CraftMine98. In the post you will find a video tutorial on how he made it and it’s pretty easy to replicate. This is one of those things you will probably keep revisiting often so make sure to save the link.

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7. Roads for Cities

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When building a city there are many things you need to add, like the trees we mentioned before, roads are something you will definitely need and that will make your Minecraft city look like a real life one. In this post we shared a video with 10 different road designs and decorations for them. You will get lots of ideas from it, and making them is usually not too difficult.

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8. Bathroom and Mirror

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Wondering how to make a mirror in Minecraft? This quick and easy post shares the items you will need to make it happen and also has a link to the original creator which at the time shared a video tutorial on how he made it, hopefully the video still exists but even if it doesn’t, knowing what items were used would be enough for you to figure this build out.

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9. Apple Computer

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Computer inception in Minecraft is what this idea is about lol Since you are probably playing on your computer. This is one of those post we shared that over the years video tutorial and schematic files have been lost but what we are doing in this listing is just bringing you ideas for you to make, not everything has to be too easy. Here you will find the items you will need to make an Apple computer in Minecraft and then it’s up to your imagination how to put it together.

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10. Carrier Strike Group

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Having big ships on any body of water in your Minecraft builds looks sick! So we found this built by Se1fD3struct1on in which he created a Carrier Strike Group. It looks amazing and the schematic files are in the post (well, they should be). This is one of those things that will bring up the quality of any world and this one will also prepare you for a Minecraft War, if there is one.

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11. Elevator

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Following with the must have that you will keep visiting as you play and build in Minecraft we want to bring the idea of adding an Elevator to your Minecraft builds. This post contains a video tutorial on how to build an elevator in redstone. Really helpful to have it saved if you are working on a tall building or making a futuristic castle, whatever tickles your imagination.

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12. Laser Door

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Okay this idea might not fit all builds but if I ask someone, what to build in Minecraft? And if they respond “a laser door” I will probably agree with them. Here you will find the list of items you need to recreate it and a video tutorial on how to put it together, what else can you ask for?

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13. Working Chair

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I personally love adding stuff into my worlds that other than looking good are also functional. This short post with a video tutorial on how to make a working chair was one of those times where the build is also usable, so enjoy.

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14. Bed Pillows

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Not sure if you would like us sharing this again because now that I revisited the post looks like the schematic files and video tutorial has gone lost on the mysterious internet world. Still, just reminding you that adding bed pillows to your beds is useful, or at least we think so. Since this is one of those details we tend to oversee adding it into the list made sense.

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15. RV/Camper

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Last but not least, we have this tutorial on how to make an RV/Camper because who doesn’t love road trips! … Not everyone? Okay.

The post has a link to the original resource pack the builder used so if the link is still alive you should take advantage and add it to your world.

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16. School

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Have you tried to make your school in Minecraft? It might be a little difficult to do it but here is one cool school we found before. Give it a look.

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17. Zoo

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Making a Zoo in Minecraft is not as complicated as you can imagine, yeah it involves a lot of things but people has done it before like in this one build.

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18. Farm

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Similar to a zoo we found this farm before, this one doesn’t have animals but you can add them later. Maybe take the ones from the Zoo?

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19. Space Station

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Billionaires are racing to get to the space, we can do it too! Minecraft though, it counts right?

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20. Dump Truck

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If you are building things then you need a truck to carry out material so here is a build you can use. We know you don’t need it, it was meant to be a joke lol

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21. Highway

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If you have build a city, or better yet, a few ones. Then, making a highway to connect them is a great idea.

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22. Colossus Robot

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This is a unique and cool minecraft build idea, a robot! To be honest, not sure what kind of robot is this but we liked it.

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23. Modern House

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Houses is one of the most common things to build in Minecraft so we might mention a few different house ideas on this list. This is a Modern house, it does look modern though.

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24. Chicago City Hall

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This idea is great in case you are looking for more historic builds or you are from Chicago, or re-building Chicago.

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25. College Campus

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If you have a city and don’t have a College Campus yet then this build will be a great addition.

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26. Gas Station

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Another great addition to any modern city you are building will be a Gas station. Is one of those things you might not think about but hey, that’s why we made this list.

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27. Castle

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Same as houses, building Castles is one of the most common and most fun things to build in Minecraft. In this case we are mentioning a tutorial on how to build a castle but latter we will add some cool castles already built.

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28. Mine

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This one is not really a “build” per se, but is a mod. With this Mining Dimension you can get a lot of resources so it is great.

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29. Bridge

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We have shared multiple bridges before but this one is one of the most popular ones. Check it out!

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29. Apartment

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Hotels are a cool idea to add to any modern city builds. This one is kinda short and small but it is a nice hotel to add to your city.

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30. Furniture

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What are houses and buildings without furniture right? We found this mod with a few different furniture designs that will be helpful for you.

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31. Skyscraper

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Any city needs cool buildings. This Pinnacle Tower is what you need! It looks amazing and will make your city way cooler.

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32. Airplane

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Now this is different right? Having an airplane in your builds look impressive so make sure to check this idea out.

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33. Cruise Ship

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Do you want another cool idea like an airplane? What about a CRUISE? It looks so cool! If you are working on something where you can add this then please do.

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34. Pool

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A pool is something easy and quick you can add to almost any build so we decided to add it to the list.

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35. Roller Coaster

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Roller coaster in the middle of the city? Yes please!

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36. Floating Mountain

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Have you seen a floating mountain before? It is pretty unique and it will look nice on any build.

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37. Zen Garden

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If you left some space in your house for a garden then this idea is for you. It is not just grass and a tree, this garden is so much more!

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38. Bar

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What about a bar? This one is a nice idea for a neighborhood or city or maybe inside a mansion?

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39. Wine Store

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Well this one is more like a vineyard but the original creator called it a store, so we went with it. Whatever, this idea is great.

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40. Igloo

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Do you have any ice related builds? If you do and haven’t added an igloo then this is what you need.

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41. Jurassic Park

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If you are a fan of Jurassic Park then JurassicCraft is for you!

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42. Waterfall

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Adding a waterfall for in any builds like houses, mansions, park or similar is a great addition.

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43. Car Dealership

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This is another unique build, who will think on adding a car dealership? That is why this is a great and unique idea.

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44. Drone

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Do you want to have a drone in Minecraft? Then it is possible with this tutorial. It doesn’t take pictures but is is cool to have.

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45. Bus

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Did you build a big city and don’t have how to move around in it? Then a bus is what you need and you can get it here.

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46. Medieval Mansion

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This mansion is one of the most popular we have shared so far. Check it out to learn why.

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47. Your Neighborhood

Well, we don’t have pictures of your neighborhood :) but you can look at Google Maps or some of your pictures to try to replicate it.

Here are some of the best building tips to help you with it.

48. White House

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If being the President is in your too do list but is still far from happening, then start building your future house in Minecraft.

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49. Giant Mushroom

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I personally don’t know where you can add this giant mushroom but it does look nice, doesn’t it?

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50. Avatar Monorail Station

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Are you a fan of Avatar? Adding this Monorial station will make your builds stand out.

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51. Galos Citadel

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If you want to protect your city from intruders then add this fortress called Galos Citadel, the original creator named so we don’t know what exactly the name means but it does look nice.

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52. Eiffel Tower

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How about adding one of the most popular builds in the real world to your Minecraft world?

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53. Italian House

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Do you have a dream of retiring in Italy in a cute house? while that happens you can use this one.

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54. Fountain

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A fountain is something great you can add to any park or mansion, and this one specially looks really good. Check it out.

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55. Basketball Court

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If you are looking for something bigger to fill up a huge space then building a basketball court is a good idea. This one is a big build that would look great in your game.

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56. Realistic Biomes

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Sometimes more than builds we need a little different inspiration, so what about biomes? In this one post we shared some realistic biomes we found and that we really liked.

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57. Temple Of Heskara

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Temples are a great addition to any ancient city you are building. The Temple of Heskara is a pretty unique one worth checking out.

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58. Leaning Tower of Pisa

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Who has not hear about the famous Italian Tower of Pisa? It is always cool have “real” builds inside Minecraft specially some well recognized ones like this known leaning tower.

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59. Mario

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Are you a Mario fan? Then this Mario idea is great for you. As you can see quickly in the picture it is really easy to build but still made a post about it in case you want to read it.

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60. Colosseum

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A Colosseum is a known ancient Italian building. If you have an Italian vibe city or old type of city then a Colosseum could be a great addition to it.

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61. Replicate favorite building in a video game

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Do you have a favorite video game? What if you build a building from in into other video game! We don’t know whats your favorite game but we found this Avengers idea to share with you. In case you are a fan of any of their superheros.

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62. Your House

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Maybe this one you have been one of the first ideas to share because it will look cool to have your own house inside Minecraft but we don’t have how to help you other than recommend you to get some pictures from the outside and build based on it. If your house looks like the one above then click on the link below.

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63. Movie Cinema

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This Movie Theater is so cool! It will definitely make your city build stand out.

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64. Favorite Historic Building

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Another great idea is to build an historic building you like or from your town. Something like this one which is the Chicago Federal Building could be a good idea.

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65. Tree House

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Haven’t you dream about building a tree house in real life? Well, we can’t help you with that but we can help you to build it in Minecraft.

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66. Underwater Palace

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Have you hear of Atlantis? We haven’t found a Minecraft version of it worth sharing yet – maybe you have one? – but in the meantime we did find this amazing underground palace!

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67. Space Dome

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For those dreaming about going to space, have you thought how you are going to live without wearing your spacesuit? You need a dome where you can be without having to wear the suit.

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68. Taj Mahal

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The Taj Mahal is one of the most popular buildings in the world. You need to add it to your Minecraft.

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69. Pyramid

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Pyramid’s are those type of ancient builds we still don’t understand how was possible to build them back in those days. The Mayan culture is the one of the most – if not the most – impressive on this and we found one of their pyramids to share.

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70. Stonehenge

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Do you know about Stonehenge? Their story is really interesting, you should check it out. We will be waiting for you because once you read about it you will want to have it in your Minecraft.

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71. Survival Base World

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If you are your starting your builds then you know you have a long way to go. If you are overwhelmed by the idea then check out this Survival base world to get you a head start.

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72. Beach Front Vacation House

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Do you want a vacation house with a beach front? Who wouldn’t right. Well, that sounds expensive but in Minecraft you only need hardwork to get it. Or to download the files and add it you your game, which you can find in the link below.

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73. WWII Bunkers

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There are bunkers and many other cool things related to WWII. Since that might take really long time to do by yourself so maybe you can use a mod for it.

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74. Warehouse

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Look at this cool warehouse, wouldn’t you want to have it in your city? Well leave your imagination work and start building a similar one. Check out our post to see if the files still work.

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75. Japanese Houses

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Have you been to Japan? I have been to Kyoto and this houses do really look like the ones in there. This is definitely something worth adding to any build.

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76. Santa’s Outpost

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There is no official pictures to know exactly how is Santa’s house but with a little imagination we can build one. You can take some inspiration from this build.

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77. Solar Power Plant

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Because renewal energy is something we should be focusing on then we should also spread the word in Minecraft and this Solar Power Plant looks great to achieve that.

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78. Office Building

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If you work in an office maybe you don’t exactly want to see it again after work but what if you build an office according to your liking, that could be more fun.

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79. The Crooked House

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As we mentioned before, houses are one of the best ideas to build in Minecraft. So can choose and create houses with all sort of styles, like this “crooked” house. Don’t know where exactly you can put it but it looks nice.

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80. Trick or Treat House

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And if you are a Halloween enthusiast who wishes the evening of October 31st was every weekend then you need to build your own Trick or Treat house.

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81. Library

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Any good city, regardless how big or small, needs a library. There are some other libraries for Minecraft out there that are amazing but really complicated to build. This one looks kinda easy so it could be a great first library in your city.

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82. Horse Stables

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If you have a farm or maybe a huge Mansion then you must add a horse stable.

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83. New York WTC

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9/11 is a date we will always remember and adding the WTC reconstruction is a good idea to commemorate the date and all the heroes of the event.

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84. Dirt Catherdral

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Similar to houses, churches and cathedrals are a great addition to cities. This one is slightly different to your conventional Cathedral so take it as inspiration to build your own.

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85. Working Lighthouse

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A build like this working lighthouse is always a good idea, not just because is nice looking but also because having “functional” builds in Minecraft gives them an added flavor we love.

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86. Mountain Valley

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Mountains and any nature in Minecraft looks great but what if you can make it more realistic? A map like this one serves of great inspiration.

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87. Fort

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If you have a Medieval town you need to protect it! Make sure to add a Fort to it and keep it safe from invasions.

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88. Windmill

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If you added the Solar Power Plan then a windmill will go great with it. We are all about renewable energy in this list ;)

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89. Prison

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And in case a Fort doesn’t go well with your city build because it is not a medieval town then another way to keep the sure city safe is a prison. Check out this idea in the link below.

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90. Library

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Now if you thought the library above was a little too simplistic then we have an upgrade from that one. You can see the actual bookshelves look similar but now it comes with a building.

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91. Fire Station Converted To House

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Another cool idea for Minecraft for a house we found was this house which used to be a fire station. Think on buildings that can be converted into somewhere else. I once read that somewhere in Europe they turned an old church into a restaurant-bar, that sounds cool if – you are not christian. But you get the idea.

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92. Statue of Zeus at Olympia

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One more ancient build idea? What about the Statue of Zeus at Olympia? It does look really nice.

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93. Meetlife Tower

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We mentioned a few ideas for building known buildings in your city but with this Metlife idea we just wanted to show you can pretty much recreate any building out there.

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94. Supermarket

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Any city needs to have a supermarket, otherwise how will their citizens get stuff? So add one.

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95. Beach

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Okay maybe this one is not precisely a build but this Ocean mod can give you plenty of ideas. The ocean hides a lot of things that can be of great inspiration for your builds.

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96. Church

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Think we mentioned churches a couple times already but this one is like your standard church build. We just wanted to make sure you have one.

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97. Airport

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Look at this airport. It looks crazy! Yeah, we mentioned adding an airplane before so if you already did that, this is the next upgrade from it.

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98. Hagia Sophia

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One more historic build you can add is the Hagia Sophia which is located Turkey. But it could be in your computer too.

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99. Football Stadium

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Are you a football fan? If you haven’t build an stadium then this one is a must. The one we are sharing is a Nike Stadium but they did not pay us to advertise them so you can build any stadium haha

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100. Tennis court

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Following the sports theme, what about tennis court? This one won’t take as much space as the basketball one or the football stadium but it will look as nice,

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101. Pagoda

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If we mentioned churches a few times is it just fare to also mention pagodas. Not sure if you are religious or what religion you follow but something we can deny as builders – Minecraft builders – is that they are pretty easy on the eye. So make sure you add a few.

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102. Submarine

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Another great idea to add if you are working on any sort of big water section could be to add a submarine.

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103. Viking Castle

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There are plenty of castle ideas, we just wanted to mention one more, this Viking castle.

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104. Pirate Ship

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Again if you are trying to get some ideas to builds for water then a pirate ship could be a great addition to it. Not sure how it will look next to the submarine but you can try to put them together and see if you like it.

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105. Empire State Building

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The Empire State Building is one of the most emblematic buildings in New York and having it in your Minecraft city will make it look great.

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106. Hotel & Casino

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This might not be Vegas but any big city needs a hotel and if it comes with a casino then it will look even cooler.

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107. Olympic Stadium

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Now that you have built stadiums and courts for other sports, what if you put them together in one and build an Olympic Stadium? Don’t worry, no one is going to force you to only use it every 4 years.

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108. Temple of Xanthos

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Churches, pagodas, cathedrals and temples are always a good idea. I actually don’t know and didn’t research if this one is based on a real life temple but it does look amazing.

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109. Village

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If you have a few houses in your city already, a good upgrade could be to make a village with some of those. A good way to make your village look even better is to have all the houses have the same style, like the image above.

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110. Pixel Version Of Your Heroes

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We mentioned before how you can build Mario, but that was more like a “statue” but as you know you can use skins to customize Minecraft. So search for ones of your favorite superheroes.

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111. Alitheia Greek Courthouse

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Another ancient looking build I don’t know if it is based out of a real build but still looks cool and is worth sharing is this Greek Courthouse.

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112. Pokemon FireRed GBA

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For whatever reason I like this idea of a game inside of a game, I haven’t heard many people mentioned something like that before but if you are like me, who likes this idea then try to add Pokemon into Minecraft.

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113. Cluny Abbey

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If you don’t know what Cluny Abbey is then you should check out its history. It was the biggest church in Europe for a long time and now you can have it in Minecraft too.

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114. Castle Falkenstein

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One more castle idea is this Falkenstein Castle. We couldn’t find the Frankenstein one so Falkenstein will do lol

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115. Laptop

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Playing Minecraft in your laptop? Then, what if you build a laptop in Minecraft? And then build Minecraft inside it. And then a laptop inside it. And then ….

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116. Star Wars City

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I wish I could a survey to know how many of the readers of this list likes Star Wars. I’m sure we are many. So what if you build as whole Star Wars city. It’s breath taking.

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117. Forest

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A forest can hide many things inside it. Not sure if you know what I mean by looking at the picture above but if not then open the link. This is a great idea, building things inside a forest.

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118. Hotel

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We mentioned a Hotel-Casino before but we didn’t mentioned just a hotel. We liked this one so you can use it as inspiration.

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119. Electric Locomotive

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Have we mentioned a train yet? Tbh it is been a really long list we are not even sure you remember either. If we did then an upgrade to it would be an Electric Locomotive. If we didn’t mention the train before then you should also add one.

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120. Target

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We showed you a supermarket somewhere in the list already but another idea is to make the supermarket a recognizable one, like Target.

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121. Six Flags

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Following with the idea of recognizable brands, if you added the roller coaster or the MinePark we mentioned before you can also make it a branded one. Like make it a Six Flags park. Or even Disney. We just haven’t found a Disney one to share you yet.

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122. Washington Monument

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One more historic building you can add is the Capitol. We mentioned the White House before so the Capitol would be something you will need to add eventually.

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123. Great Pyramid of Giza

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We mentioned the Mayan Pyramids before but another amazing pyramid are the ones in Egypt. Some people would prefer Great Pyramid of Giza over Mayan ones – I personally like Mayan more – but we can all agree that inside Minecraft either would be a great addition.

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124. Hanging Gardens of Babylon

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Unfortunately the Hanging Gardens of Babylon don’t exist anymore and there is no concrete proof they ever did so we can’t either know how they look but based in histories, the were impressive. And you can build a version of them in Minecraft.

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125. Tribe Jungle

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Having a forest or a jungle is great but what if you build a tribe inside it? This won’t be the regular city or medieval town we love to share, a Tribe inside a jungle would be pretty unique.

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126. Erisia Cathedral

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One more Cathedral we liked is this Erisia one. All are different but all look amazing and this one is not exception.

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127. Brooklyn Bridge

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Did you build the WTC, Empire State and other NYC buildings and still don’t have the Brooklyn Bridge. Worry not, check out the link below to learn how to build it.

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128. Grand Canyon

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The Gran Canyon is huge and pretty much impossible to walk the whole thing in real life. Well, if you do it in Minecraft it could be way easier.

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129. Echo Tower

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One more tall building idea is this Echo Tower. Its design is standard for other big buildings but that reason is why we liked it. You can use it as inspiration to build your own designs.

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130. Lyme Park

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Lyme Park is a real park located in Manchester. You can add it to your city and visit it without having to go all the way to the UK lol

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131. Dash Towers

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One more modern building you could add is this Tower. It may not have many unique things that doesn’t mean it is bad looking, it could be a good addition to any modern city.

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132. Game Console

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If you added the laptop and the computer before then the next step is to get this gaming console inside your builds. Also, it is an old one. Not the new PS or Xbox, so that makes it cooler.

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133. Helicopter

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And for the last one Minecraft building idea – for now – is this Helicopter. Why is this the last idea of the list? Don’t know. This is were we got tired of researching for ideas haha

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134. Upgrade Your Pathways

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Do you have paths through your city or at the entrance of a castle? Then I great way to upgrade your current builds is to update your path designs. And if you don’t have them, then adding cool paths to your town builds or any road you have will definetely make any current builds you have better!

view path designs ideas

135. Minecraft Challenges

If building for the sake of building is getting to boring for you then, what you need is a challenge!

There are plenty of them online, a quick search will take show you many of them. We have our own list of the best Minecraft challenges but you can always look for more.

136. Woodland Mansion

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Didn’t like the challenges idea but still don’t want to build something new? What if you “find it”?

That sounds cool, right? One of the most rare buildings in Minecraft are Woodland Mansion. Not everyone is lucky to find it, but with time, patience and hard work we are sure you can be one of them.

View how to find Woodland Mansion

There you have it! We have put together a list of ideas to add to your Minecraft builds and we think we did great lol

But seriously, sometimes just having this little list of ideas are really useful because after finishing building whole cities, big houses, amazing mansions in Minecraft then we are left idea-less on how to fill them up.

Attention to detail is important so when you stumble upon the question of what to build in Minecraft again, come back to this post, you will find something you could add to your build.

136 Cool Minecraft Building Ideas To Try In 2022 (Files and Guides) (2024)
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