A Beginner's Guide To The 12 Houses Of The Horoscope (2024)



December 20, 2022


By The AstroTwins


Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.

First houseSecond houseThird houseFourth houseFifth houseSixth houseSeventh houseEigth houseNinth houseTenth houseEleventh house

Twelfth house

A Beginner's Guide To The 12 Houses Of The Horoscope (3)

Image by mbg Creative / iStock, Flickr Commons

December 20, 2022

The birth chart is like a snapshot of the sky from our vantage point on Earth, taken at the exact moment you were born. This chart is divided into 12 segments, also known as the houses. The houses are where the action in the "movie of your life" takes place.

Each house of your chart is ruled by a different sign, depending on your time, date, and location of birth. This rulership is determined by which zodiac sign the cusp, or beginning point of a house, is intersecting with on the wheel (that's a bit advanced, so don't worry about this one too much!).

Just know this: The houses are essentially what grounds astrology in earthly matters, as each one is associated with certain areas of life, such as career, home, and relationships.

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The zodiac wheel begins with the first house, which represents where the sun was rising over the eastern horizon at your moment of birth and governs the self, the identity, and your first impression. The houses then move counterclockwise around the zodiacal wheel and ripple out to broader themes of family/home life, society, and beyond.

As the planets make their journey around the sun (and through our zodiac), they appear to be moving through the houses. For instance, if Venus, the planet of love was moving through Aries at your time of birth and happens to be inyour 1st house of individuality, topics of self-love and confidence may arise repeatedly in your lifetime. Astrologers make chart interpretations based on the planets, signs, and houses in your chart.

The first six houses are known as the "personal houses" because they govern themes of daily life, community, and family, while the last six houses are considered "interpersonal houses" since they rule experiences such as relationships, travel, career, and friendships.


The first six houses of the horoscope are known as the "personal houses" because they govern themes of daily life, community, and family. The last six houses are considered "interpersonal houses" since they rule experiences such as relationships, travel, career, and friendships.

1st house

The 1st houseis all about beginnings. It determines the origin of the self and identity, your outward appearance, and new endeavors. The zodiac sign that rules the cusp of the 1st house is known as the rising sign, or ascendant, of your chart. As such, this 1st house becomes very important with regards to how you present yourself to the world, how others might see you, and what sort of "first" impressions you make.

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2nd house

The 2nd house relates to your sense of stability, how you make money in the world, and also your immediate environment. It's a very physical and material realm that governs the five senses. The 2nd house is also associated with values, self-esteem and self-worth, income, and how we begin to feel at home in our bodies and environments.

3rd house

The 3rd house rules all aspects of communication: thinking, talking, and your online persona. This tech-savvy sector rules media, electronic devices, and the ways we give and receive messages. Building upon the first house of identity and second house of material resources and value, this zodiac zone is about community, neighborhoods, and local travel. Also ruled by the 3rd house: siblings, neighbors and neighborhoods, libraries, and primary school years. It's how we first learn to articulate our ideas in the world.

4th house

The 4th house, also known as the house of home and roots, is the foundation of the whole chart. Situated at the bottom of the wheel, its topics include home, security, mothers and lineage, children, care, and how we feel at home and safe. The way you nurture others and your approach to self-care is also dictated by this sector.

5th house

The 5th house is all about self-expression, creativity, and celebration. This is a very fertile house in the sense that it rules the creation of all things—how we express ourselves in artistic and dramatic ways, as well as the literal creation of children. This house governs attention, play, the joys of romance and love, and arts such as theater, music, and painting.

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6th house

The 6th house is all about service and health. Other 6th house topics include organization, daily routines and upkeep, fitness, self-care, diet/exercise, natural living, and being of service to other people and the planet. You can begin to see how the topics build upon each other, moving from selfhood and identity to expression to service. After the 6th house, the themes turn outward, toward the betterment of society and the care of the body.

7th house

The 7th house, situated directly across from the first house of identity, is all about relationships and other people that we come in contact with. In this realm are all partnerships (business and personal), contracts, marriages, and business exchanges. It's where we team up with others and get to know ourselves through our interactions and creating mutual give-and-take. Creating a balance of two forces is the goal of this house.

8th house

The 8th houseis one of the more mysterious areas of the chart. It has to do with transformation via the birth-death-rebirth cycle, sex, deep bonding, and other people's money and energy (passive income, investments, inheritances, et al.). The 8th house is all about looking into the depths, sorting through energy and resources, and getting to know the self and others on a deep level. It's the zone of merging, where two become one, and is associated with reproduction and regeneration.

9th house

The 9th house is connected to expansive thinking and growth of all kinds including global travel, higher-level learning, philosophy, religion, belief systems, publishing, university teaching, as well as what we believe in (morals, ethics) and how we take risks and venture to various parts of the world, our minds, and our beings. While the 3rd house, which lies across from the 9th on the zodiacal wheel, is all about knowledge and information, this one is about wisdom, intuition, and the big picture.

10th house

The 10th house, located at the very top of the chart, is the most visible and public area of the zodiac. Traditions and institutional structures are ruled by the 10th house, as well as tradition and whatever legacy we are meant to leave in this world. This is the world's stage and how we're seen—our status and leadership. It's also about honors, achievements, fame, public reputation, as well as authorities, fathers, and fatherhood. The ruling sign of the 10th house cusp is also called the midheaven, and it can give astrologers a sense about your career path.

11th house

The 11th house governs all things related to large groups of people. It's also associated with the future and our hopes and ideals. Friendships, networks, teams, and collectives are associated with this part of the sky. Additionally, all of the things we associate with "Aquarian" such as originality, eccentricity, unexpected happenings or insights, inventions, astronomy, sci-fi, rebellion, and all things future-oriented. The 11th house is all about envisioning future possibilities, often with a group of likeminded people and possibly including a revolution.

12th house

The 12th house is the final realm on the zodiacal wheel. As you've probably already guessed, it builds upon the previous 11 houses and is associated with endings, the last stages of projects, old age, and surrender. Linked to the subconscious and the imagination, it can also reveal information about the afterlife and dream spaces. As one of the more hidden arenas in the chart, the 12th house rules spaces that are hidden or separated from society such as institutions, hospitals, jails, and retreats. It's also associated with the creative arts such as film, dance, and poetry.


A Beginner's Guide To The 12 Houses Of The Horoscope (2024)


How do I find out my 12 houses in astrology? ›

How to find the houses on your birth chart. Your birth chart consists of 12 sections, each representing one of the houses. From your ascendant, aka the first house, you'll go counterclockwise to track the subsequent houses. You'll also notice that each house holds a zodiac sign and also has planetary placements.

What is the 12th house rule? ›

The twelfth house rules the subconscious mind, dreams, intuition, instinct, hypnosis, secrets, and everything hidden or that is part of the mysterious side of life, namely the behind-the-scenes or underground activity that you are not aware of or that you must keep confidential.

How do I work out my astrological houses? ›

Read your houses counterclockwise, starting at the left.

Your birth chart looks like a circle that's been divided into 12 segments, like the hours on a clock. Find the left-most segment, where 9:00 would be. This is your first house. When you read your houses, you'll start there and go counterclockwise.

How to read astrology chart houses? ›

Birth charts are read counterclockwise with the Ascendant's horizontal line delineating the First House. We follow the sections, or Houses, and on the right side of the horizon line at the Descendent, we start to make our way to the top of the chart.

Which planets rule the houses? ›

The characteristics of each house for both personal (see Keywords) and financial astrology are included.
  • 1st House: Aries and Mars. ...
  • 2nd House: Taurus and Venus. ...
  • 3rd House: Gemini and Mercury. ...
  • 4th House: Cancer and the Moon. ...
  • 5th House: Leo and the Sun. ...
  • 6th House: Virgo and Mercury. ...
  • 7th House: Libra and Venus.

Does everyone have all 12 houses in their chart? ›

To learn more about a house, read about the them below. And yes, you have all 12 houses in your birth chart, everyone does, but you may not have a planet in each of them.

What is the 12th house karma? ›

Karmic Reflections: The 12th house is often associated with karma, representing unresolved issues from past lives. With Saturn here, individuals are confronted with their karmic debts and are urged to confront their past actions and behaviors.

Why is 12th house important? ›

The Twelfth House is considered the most psychic, spiritual, and mysterious area of the birth chart, so those born with planets in this area are often highly intuitive individuals who encounter psychic and spiritual experiences.

How to heal 12th house? ›

Owning pets, like small dogs or larger animals such as horses, can be healing for them. Animals often become a surprise therapy pet for twelfth house people. Giving unconditional love is natural for twelfth house people and animals can be something that helps them survive the more difficult times in their lives.

How to count the houses in a horoscope? ›

They are numbered counter-clockwise from the cusp of the first house. Commonly, houses one through six are below the horizon and houses seven through twelve are above the horizon, but some systems may not respect entirely that division (in particular when the Ascendant does not coincide with the first house's cusp).

How do I find my house ruler on my birth chart? ›

In astrology, the 12 houses relate to life areas, each ruled by a zodiac sign. To find your house rulers, note the sign on the cusp of each house in your chart. For example, if Gemini rules your third house, its ruler, Mercury, rules that house.

How do you find empty houses in astrology? ›

To find it, pull up the circular version of your natal chart (you can plug in your birth date and time here to get yours), and then locate the sign on the cusp of an empty house. Whatever planet rules that sign also rules that house in your chart, lending insight into how these areas of life will manifest for you.

Which signs rule my houses? ›

Rulerships of signs
HouseSignRuling body (modern)
8 more rows

What do the 12 houses of the birth chart mean? ›

The 12 houses show where in the sky each luminary (that's the sun and the moon) and the planets appeared when you were born, wherever on Earth you were born. Houses represent the rotation of the earth around its axis over 24 hours.

What is my big 3 in astrology? ›

Taken all together, your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs are often called your “Big Three.” Each of these signs plays a v. important role in your birth chart, and each describes a different part of your personality and life story.

What's your 12th house? ›

The Twelfth House: Psyche

along with affairs, addictions, and psychological ailments). The Twelfth House is considered the most psychic, spiritual, and mysterious area of the birth chart, so those born with planets in this area are often highly intuitive individuals who encounter psychic and spiritual experiences.

How do you count houses in astrology chart? ›

They are numbered counter-clockwise from the cusp of the first house. Commonly, houses one through six are below the horizon and houses seven through twelve are above the horizon, but some systems may not respect entirely that division (in particular when the Ascendant does not coincide with the first house's cusp).

How many houses are in your birth chart? ›

A birth chart is drawn as a 360-degree wheel that's divided into 12 houses, or sections. At the exact time of your birth, each planet and constellation in the zodiac was located inside a specific house or section of this wheel.

What is your 12th house year? ›

The 12th house profection year invites individuals to delve deep into their subconscious mind, explore their spiritual beliefs and practices, and cultivate a deeper understanding and acceptance of their inner self, while navigating the complexities of solitude, isolation, and the unconscious mind.

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