FDA Advises Consumers Not to Purchase or Use Nitrite “Poppers” (2024)

June 24, 2021


  • Consumers who purchase or use nitrite “poppers” for recreational use or sexual enhancement.


  • “Poppers” are sold online or at adult novelty stores. They are often marketed as nail polish removers or cleaning products and are packaged in small bottles, ranging from 10 to 40 mL, appearing similar to energy shots.
  • Brand names include Jungle Juice, Extreme Formula, HardWare, Quick Silver, Super RUSH, Super RUSH Nail Polish Remover and Premium Ironhorse, among others.

FDA Advises Consumers Not to Purchase or Use Nitrite “Poppers” (1)

FDA Advises Consumers Not to Purchase or Use Nitrite “Poppers” (2)


The FDA advises consumers not to purchase or use nitrite “poppers” because these products can result in serious adverse health effects, including death, when ingested or inhaled. “Poppers,” which are sold online or at adult novelty stores, may bemarketed as nail polish removers but are being ingested or inhaled for recreational use or to enhance sexual experiences. These products contain nitrites, which are chemical substances that should not be ingested or inhaled unless specified/prescribed by a healthcare provider.

Summary of Problem and Scope

The FDA has observed an increase in reports of deaths and hospitalizations with issues such as severe headaches, dizziness, increase in body temperature, difficulty breathing, extreme drops in blood pressure, blood oxygen issues (methemoglobinemia) and brain death after ingestion or inhalation of nitrite “poppers.”

FDA Actions

The FDA will continue tracking reports of adverse events resulting from the ingestion or inhalation of nitrite “poppers” and will take appropriate actions to protect the public health. The agency also has contacted its federal partners alerting them of the recent adverse event reports.

Recommendations for Consumers

  • Do not purchase or use nitrite “poppers” for recreational use or sexual enhancement.
  • Be aware of the serious risks, including death, associated with the use of these products and stop using them immediately. Discard any unused product.
  • Contact your healthcare providers immediately if you are experiencing illness after using these products.
  • Contact your healthcare providers if you have recently used these products and are concerned about your health.

To report acomplaintoradverse event(illness or injury), you can

Reporting Problems to the FDA

Consumers who have experienced an adverse event (illness or injury) after using nitrite “poppers” should consult their healthcare providers. Consumers should also consider reporting their adverse events to MedWatch: FDA’s Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program and information about the products they used to Reporting Unlawful Sales of Medical Products on the Internet | FDA. The FDA encourages consumers with questions about product safety to submit an inquiry or to visit www.fda.gov/fcic for additional information.

FDA Advises Consumers Not to Purchase or Use Nitrite “Poppers” (2024)


FDA Advises Consumers Not to Purchase or Use Nitrite “Poppers”? ›

The FDA advises consumers not to purchase or use nitrite “poppers” because these products can result in serious adverse health effects, including death, when ingested or inhaled.

Why is the FDA warning about poppers? ›

“These chemicals can be caustic and damage the skin or other tissues they come in contact with, cause difficulty breathing, extreme drops in blood pressure, decreases in blood oxygen levels, seizures, heart arrhythmia, coma, and death,” said Judy McMeekin, Pharm. D., FDA Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs.

Are poppers banned in US? ›

Are Poppers Illegal? You can legally buy or sell nitrites in the U.S., but it's illegal for you to consume them or misuse them as a recreational drug. The FDA does not regulate poppers, but it warns against buying or using these products for fun.

Are isobutyl nitrite poppers safe to use? ›

Commonly referred to as “poppers,” these products contain chemical substances similar to the prescription medication, amyl nitrite, which is prescribed for the relief of chest pain. However, poppers have not been evaluated by the FDA for safe use. These products are not safe to ingest or inhale.

What are the side effects of nitrite poppers? ›

More common
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness, especially when getting up from a lying or sitting position.
  • fast pulse.
  • flushing of face and neck.
  • headache (mild)
  • nausea or vomiting.
  • restlessness.
Feb 1, 2024

Are poppers bad for the heart? ›

Share on Pinterest Inhaling poppers can cause irregular and rapid heart rhythms. Inhaling poppers can cause severe effects, and may be fatal. Taking the drug in this way can cause irregular and rapid heart rhythms and result in a syndrome called “sudden sniffing death.”

Are poppers bad for your kidneys? ›

They are also known to cause liver toxicity and kidney failure.

What do poppers do for bottoms? ›

Poppers act as muscle relaxants, causing involuntary smooth muscles relaxation in tissues such as the throat and anus. Said physiological effects and other effects such as mild euphoria has led to use cases related to recreational drug use, in some cases, party and play (chemsex), to help facilitate anal intercourse.

What is the difference between poppers and whippets? ›

Nitrous oxide, known as whippets, act on NO receptors. They induce smooth muscle relaxation and hypotension. Alkyl Nitrites, known as poppers, are NO receptor agonists and have similar effect to whippets. They were first synthetized by Ballard in 1844 and used in angina.

What are poppers called in USA? ›

Poppers, or amyl nitrite, are a liquid chemical substance that produce vapors.

What are the long term effects of amyl nitrite? ›

However, long term effects can range from mild allergic reactions to potentially life threatening methaemoglobinaemia – a blood disorder that causes inadequate oxygen supply to body tissue. Frequent use can also cause a rash around the mouth, nose and eyes, or any skin that is in regular contact with the vapour.

What types of poppers to avoid? ›

FDA Advises Consumers Not to Purchase or Use Nitrite “Poppers”
  • “Poppers” are sold online or at adult novelty stores. ...
  • Brand names include Jungle Juice, Extreme Formula, HardWare, Quick Silver, Super RUSH, Super RUSH Nail Polish Remover and Premium Ironhorse, among others.
Jun 24, 2021

Is butyl nitrite legal in the US? ›

Except as provided in subsection (b), butyl nitrite shall be considered a banned hazardous product under section 2057 of this title.

Why are poppers illegal in us? ›

“These chemicals can be caustic and damage the skin or other tissues they come in contact with, cause difficulty breathing, extreme drops in blood pressure, decreases in blood oxygen levels, seizures, heart arrhythmia, coma, and death,” said Judy McMeekin, Pharm.

What is Jungle Juice nail polish remover? ›

Inhalants that contain alkyl nitrites may be referred to as poppers, Jungle Juice, Rush and Amyl Night. Inhalants can also be common household items like air fresheners, nail polish remover, and cleaning products. Some inhalants are legal because of how they are packaged and labeled. A few are available medically.

What are the cons of nitrites? ›

Are Nitrites Bad for You? Nitrites have been implicated in the risk of some cancers, such as esophageal, stomach, and colorectal cancers.

What are the warnings about poppers? ›

They are used for muscle relaxation and aphrodisia but using them can cause low oxygen levels, difficulty breathing, and feeling faint. In severe or untreated cases, death can occur. Due to the severe health problems that can occur with the use of poppers, the FDA has warned consumers not to use these products.

Why are poppers illegal? ›

Blood-borne viruses: Poppers may increase the chance of tearing during sex which makes it easier for HIV or Hep C to enter the bloodstream. Cancer: All nitrites are potential carcinogens and isobutyl nitrite is a known carcinogen.

Are poppers a carcinogen? ›

Cancer – all nitrites are potential carcinogens and isobutyl nitrite is a known carcinogen. Long-term, regular use of poppers may be linked with an increased risk of certain kinds of cancer.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.