The Sixth House of Lal Kitab (2024)

The sixth house of lal kitab is also known as the “hidden world”. It is also as the the world of hell, world of hidden treasure, and house of mysterious support. We should also analyze the position of the eighth and the second house while determining the auspicious and inauspicious results of the house. This is because the effects of all these three houses are linked with each other through aspect. Ketu is considered to be the karak planet of the sixth house, while Jupiter is the lord of it.

Patal Khali Ghar Jab Tak Rehta Nek Asar Kul Deta Ho
Duje Baithe Ki Pahali Awastha Asar Chathe Par Hota Ho

If the sixth house in the horoscope is empty, then the planets in the second and the twelfth house become sleeping planets. The eighth house aspects the second house, the second house expects the sixth house, and the sixth house aspects the twelfth house. If the planets in the second and the twelfth house are strong, they give support to the sixth house. It can be said if the sixth house empty, then the maternal uncle must respect the children of the house. This gives auspicious results. This is because the effects of the planets in the second house affects the sixth house as well

The planets that sits in the sixth house, gives results until the last phase according to its nature. All the planets other than Sun, Moon and Jupiter give weak results in the sixth house. Similarly, Jupiter and Ketu in the sixth and the eighth house give weak results in their period.

The effects of the planets sitting in the sixth house affects the house where Mercury, Ketu and Venus are placed simultaneously. Saturn in the sixth house aspects the second house. If Sun or Moon are placed in the second house, then the Mars in the fourth house is not considered malicious. Mercury and Rahu are considered to be exalted in the sixth house. They do not have any negative effects on the center house. The results of the sixth house are determined by analysis of second and eighth house as well.

Akela Baitha Ya Ho Alag Band Muthi Ke Khano Me
Nau Hi Grah Patal Me Baithe Dekha Kare Un Tarfo Me
Das Panjave Ka Diushman Jahari Hukum Rahu Ka Pata Jo
Saath Magar 2-8 Drahshti Faisla 6 Ka Hota Ho

Planets situated in the third house affects the sixth house as well. But, if there is no planet in the sixth house, then the planets in the second house are also considered to be sleeping. It should also be noted that the planets in the sixth house aspects the twelfth house. When the sixth house is empty, then there is no planet to aspect the twelfth house as well. In this situation also the twelfth house is considered to be sleeping.

Houses in Lal Kitab Kundali - Part 1

The Sixth House of Lal Kitab (2024)
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