Precios del Mezcal en México 2021 (2024)

por Juan Highland

Te presento los precios de los Mezcales más populares en México (400 Conejos, Ojo de Tigre, Alerón, Montelobos, Amores, Mitre) y además una calificación para que así decidas cual comprar hoy mismo.

Consulta nuestro artículo Los 12 Mejores Mezcales para probar en 2021

Ver en AmazonPrecio MXNCalificación (1 al 10)
Ojo de Tigre$5997
Montelobos Espadín$6558
Amores Espadín$6648
Mitre Espadín$6897
Amores Cupreata$7648
400 Conejos Espadín$5377
Santo Gusano$5696
Burrito Fiestero$5246
Mil Diablos$4095
Bruxo No. 1$5815
Mezcal Unión Joven$4707

Precio de Mezcal

El precios del Mezcal está determinado por el agave con el que se produce. En general el Mezcal más barato es elaborado con Espadín; este es el más abundante y sólo tarda 8 años en madurar. Esto contrasta con el precio de un Mezcal hecho con agave Tepextate que tarda hasta 30 años en madurar y tan sólo se da de manera silvestre.

Otros factores que influyen en el precio del Mezcales la fama y reconocimiento de la marca, así como la calidad de los procesos lo cual impacta los costos.

El Mezcal se ha vuelto una bebida cara. Entre 2015 y 2020, el precio del agave se incrementó cinco veces, dada la enorme demanda de Mezcal en Estados Unidos que se ha vuelto el principal consumidor a nivel mundial.

Si estás esperando a que el precio baje te tengo la mala noticia que la tendencia difícilmente cambiará. El Mezcal sigue abriendo fronteras y su demanda está creciendo en países como Canadá, Gran Bretaña y en general en toda Europa; hasta Australia está comprando Mezcal.

En tiendas como Astor Wines en Nueva York es común ver Mezcales con precio superior a los $200 USD.

Precios del Mezcal en México

Como puedes apreciar los mezcales más populares de México tienen un rango de precios que va de los $389 a los casi $800 pesos mexicanos.

Hay un buen número de increíbles Mezcales en el mercado con precios superiores a $1,000 pesos aunque existe resistencia por parte del público a consumir mezcales de ese nivel.

En nuestro catálogo el más caro de los mezcales sobrepasa los $3,000 pesos aunque siento decirte que está agotado.

Todavía existen muchos consumidores que prefieren por ese mismo monto pagar por marcas de whiskyescocés las cuales perciben como un signo de estatus.

En lo personal me cuesta trabajo pagar caro por un whisky cuya materia prima es la cebada malteada cuya maduración toma 3 meses, además es la misma materia prima con la que se hace la cerveza. Prefiero pagar por un Tepextate que tomó 30 años en madurar de manera silvestre, es decir, sin intervención humana.

Consulta los Precios del Tequila en México 2021 por si quieres saber de la bebida hermana del Mezcal


Si naciste en el siglo XX creciste con la creencia de que el Mezcal era una bebida para gente pobre y que por tanto debía ser barata. La situación cambíó, el mundo descubrió el Mezcal convirtiéndola en la bebida de moda lo que ha generado una explosión en precios y esta tendencia difícilmente va a cambiar.

Así que si los precios actuales del Mezcal te disgustan busca otra bebida por que la cosa no va a cambiar.

Consulta los Precios del Whisky en México 2021

Precios del Mezcal en México 2021 (2024)


What is the average price of mezcal in Mexico? ›

In 2020, the average wholesale price of a 750ml bottle of mezcal in Mexico amounted to 486 Mexican pesos, an increase of around 17.6 percent in comparison to the previous year.

Is mezcal expensive? ›

Mezcal is often more expensive than Tequila due to the smaller production scale and the traditional production methods. Mezcal is typically made from wild agave and in small batches using traditional techniques, which can increase the cost and time of production.

Where does the best mezcal come from in Mexico? ›

The state of Oaxaca has arguably the best terroir for making Mezcal, but more on that later.

How much is a shot of mezcal in Oaxaca? ›

By the shot, anywhere from 40 pesos up depending on where you go, if it is one or two ounces, etc. There is one bar that has mezcal at well over 200 pesos, but try restaurants like La Olla, La Popular, Zandunga, etc; and mezcalerías like In Situ, Mezcaloteca, Mezcalerita, El Destilado, Cuish, etc.

Is mezcal cheaper in Mexico? ›

Price Differences in the United States & Mexico

The price of mezcal can vary significantly depending on where you buy it. In the United States, mezcal tends to be more expensive than in Mexico. The reason is clear: Mezcal is produced in Mexico and needs to be imported to the US.

How much is a shot of mezcal in Mexico? ›

Price: Mezcal shots starting at 150 MXN / 9 USD

Tlécan is a mezcaleria that champions local distilling culture with a stellar selection of small-batch agave and non agave-based spirits from all over Mexico, including Oaxaca, Jalisco and Durango.

Is mezcal bad for your Liver? ›

While mezcal can certainly provide potential health benefits, it's important to remember that moderation is key. Excessive alcohol consumption can have negative effects on health, including increased risk of liver disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases.

What's the most expensive mezcal? ›

  • Mezcal Amaras Logia Chuparrosa, US$349.99. Mezcal Amaras Logia.
  • Clase Azul Mezcal Guerrero, US$349. Clase Azul.
  • The Lost Explorer Salmiana, US$180. The Lost Explorer.
Dec 2, 2022

Is mezcal cheaper than tequila? ›

However, mezcal is generally pricier than tequila, in large part due to the less-commercialized nature of the spirit. The agave used can take up to 35 years to mature and might yield less liquid per batch than the standard blue Weber agave plant.

How much mezcal can I bring home from Mexico? ›

There are no federal limits on how much alcohol you can carry in your suitcase for personal use. One case is considered a good rule of thumb. But you will be taxed if you bring more than a one-liter bottle of alcohol from Mexico.

How to tell if mezcal is good? ›

Label should indicate the exact provenance (village or state) of the mezcal, as well as the type of maguey used and the mezcal's craftsman, or maestro. 4. Shake the bottle to check for the formation of bubbles, or pearls. If no pearls form, do not buy the mezcal unless alcohol content is 55% or higher.

How do Mexicans drink mezcal? ›

Mezcal is not traditionally mixed with anything, but it is common to sip it alongside food or something to nibble on. This is usually thin slices of orange, but jicama, carrot or grapefruit also work. The snack is sprinkled with a mixed salt called sal de gusano (“worm salt”).

How do you drink expensive mezcal? ›

Drink it at room temperature—chilling it can mask the subtleties.” Also make sure to take a moment to appreciate the aroma before taking your first sip. “The aroma and taste can be very different,” says Boehm.

Is mezcal the poor mans tequila? ›

Because mezcal can be made across the country and from any species of agave plant, it was a drink for the masses ‒ a poor man's drink ‒ and therefore was looked down on by the upper classes.

Do Mexicans drink tequila or mezcal? ›

When thinking of typical Mexican alcoholic beverages, most probably tequila and the trendy spirit mezcal are the first to come to mind. And indeed: not only the popularity, but also the production of these agave-based alcohol drinks is impressive.

Do Mexicans drink mezcal? ›

A staple of Mexican bar culture, mezcal has been gaining ground in the American spirits scene for the past decade or more. Though it's now a staple of many co*cktail joints, there's still some confusion.

Is mezcal higher quality than tequila? ›

Both share the iconic agave flavour, but in different quantities. Mezcal is seen to be much more complex, holding many more notes than tequila. This isn't to say that tequila is lower in quality. It just offers a much simpler profile.

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