Thermomix TM31 vs TM5. Diferencias y recomendaciones. (2024)

08 Agosto 2019


por Tània Alba

¿Estás pensando en comprarte una Thermomix? En este post te vamos a contar que similitudes y diferencias tienen la Thermomix TM31 y la Thermomix TM5.

Antes de todo, hagamos un poco de recorrido histórico. La primera generación de Thermomix nació en 1961 y fue llamada “Thermomix VKM5”. Después de esta ha habido 9 generaciones más (de las cuales forman parte nuestras protagonistas de hoy) hasta llegar a la última sacada durante este año, el modelo TM6.

Durante el artículo de hoy hablaremos de las 2 más vendidas del mercado, la Thermomix TM31 (8ª generación) salió al mercado en el año 2004 y su descendiente la Thermomix TM5 (9ª generación) es del año 2014. Y lo más importante es… ¿en qué se diferencian? Vamos a verlo.

Ah! Y si quieres vender tu Thermomix porque quieres dar el salto a un modelo superior, pásate por nuestra web de venta, ¡ahora te pagamos más!


En el diseño ya podemos apreciar algunos cambios entre la Thermomix TM31 y la Thermomix TM5. Esta última tiene un diseño más fino, elegante y con un acabado más pulcro.
La Thermomix TM5 le dice adiós a los botones y los cambia por una pantalla táctil y una rueda de control. De esta manera le da un aspecto mucho más minimalista a simple vista y combina la parte moderna (pantalla táctil) con la parte retro (rueda de control) como lo hacen por ejemplo algunos microondas.

Thermomix TM31 vs TM5. Diferencias y recomendaciones. (1)

Características técnicas

Motor, potencia y temperatura

El modelo TM5 tiene un motor mejorado, más potente, que consume menos y es ligeramente más silencioso que el TM31. La velocidad máxima es de 10.700 revoluciones por minuto, aumentando así en 500 rpm frente los 10.200 rpm que tiene el modelo TM31. En cuestión de temperatura, el modelo TM31 va desde los 37 °C grados hasta los 100 °C y en el caso del modelo TM5, también va desde los 37 °C pero llega a una temperatura máxima de 120g.

Medidas y capacidades

En cuestión de medidas, la Thermomix TM5 es ligeramente -pero muy poquito- más grande que la Thermomix TM31.
Mientras que la TM31 mide 30 cm de largo X 28,5 cm de ancho X 28,5 cm de fondo y pesa 6,3 kg, la TM5 mide 34,1 cm de largo X 32,6 cm de ancho x 32, 6 cm de fondo y pesa 7,95 kg.
En cuanto a capacidad, el vaso de la Thermomix TM31 es de 2 litros, y el de la TM5 es de 2,2 litros. En el caso del varoma -accesorio para cocinar al vapor- de la TM 31 mide 11,8 cm X 38, 5 X 27, 5, pesa 800 gramos y tiene una capacidad de 3 litros. Mientras que en la TM5 mide 13,1 cm X 38, 3 x 27, 5 y tiene una capacidad de 3,3 litros. Este aumento de capacidad es debido -a efectos prácticos- al aumento de una ración en todas las recetas.

Mejoras de accesorios

Otra diferencia que no es abismal, es que en la Thermomix TM5 han aprovechado para corregir pequeños defectos que sufrían algunos accesorios de la Thermomix TM31 con el uso. Por ejemplo, la espátula es mas flexible y el accesorio mariposa mueve mejor los alimentos.

¡Entérate de todas las novedades de la Thermomix!

Pantalla digital y “cook-key”

Como ya hemos comentado antes, en el caso de la Thermomix TM5, la pantalla es totalmente táctil (excepto la rueda) y podemos ver indicadores como por ejemplo la temperatura.
Además, el modelo TM5 incorpora la “cocina guiada” que consiste en que la Thermomix va realizando todos los pasos de la receta y tu solo te tienes que encargar de meterle los ingredientes.
El modelo TM5 es compatible con un accesorio llamado “cook-key” que es una especie de pen que le conectas a la Thermomix en el lateral y puedes descargarte muchísimas recetas de la plataforma “Cookidoo” de Thermomix. Puedes descargártelas y hacerlas tu en modo manual, o pasarlas al modo “cocina guiada” para que la Thermomix las haga por ti.

Thermomix TM31 vs TM5. Diferencias y recomendaciones. (4)


Hay que tener en cuenta un punto muy importante como es la seguridad para un utensilio al que tienen acceso todos los miembros de la familia, incluidos niños. En este aspecto, la Thermomix TM5 aplica muchas medidas de seguridad que no tiene la Thermomix TM31.
La tapa se cierra automáticamente y queda totalmente bloqueada mientras está realizando una receta y también detecta si alguien la intenta abrir antes de que finalice la receta.
Además, si la tapa no está colocada correctamente la máquina no permite que la enciendas. Aunque es capaz ella misma de ajustarla y colocarla en la posición correcta.
Otra medida de seguridad muy importante con la que cuenta la TM31, es la opción de poder bloquearla con un número de seguridad, como si fuera el pin de un móvil, para que nadie pueda manipularla sin introducir el código y también para que no se pueda encender en el caso de transportarla.

Equivalencias entre Thermomix TM5 y Thermomix TM31

Si quieres realizar recetas de la TM31 en la TM5 tendrás que tener 3 en cuenta aspectos claves:

  • la temperatura máxima
  • la capacidad
  • la velocidad


Hay que tener muy en cuenta que mientras que la Thermomix TM31 llega hasta los 100ºC, la Thermomix TM5 lo hace hasta los 120 ºC.

Sofritos y rehogados

Thermomix TM31: Pondremos la temperatura a 120C durante 8 minutos.
Thermomix TM5: Pondremos la temperatura varoma durante 10 minutos.

Thermomix TM31 vs TM5. Diferencias y recomendaciones. (5)

Temperatura Varoma

Utilizaremos la temperatura varoma -que se usa para casi todo en la TM31- solo para cocinar con el accesorio varoma o para reducir salsas en la TM5.


Como ya hemos comentado, la capacidad del vaso y del varoma aumenta en la TM5. Así que una receta de la TM31 en la TM5 es posible. Aunque una receta de la TM5 en la TM31 tiene que ser una receta en la que no se sobrepase el límite de 2 litros (la capacidad de la TM31).


En la TM5 la velocidad aumenta hasta los 10.700 rpm, frente a la TM31 que llega hasta los 10.200 rpm. Esto hace que por ejemplo las cremas queden más finas en menor tiempo.

Tabla equivalencias

Thermomix TM31Thermomix TM5
Cocina al vaporTemperatura VaromaTemperatura Varoma
Reducción de salsasTemperatura VaromaTemperatura Varoma
Sofritos o rehogadosTemperatura Vaorma – 10 minutosTemperatura 120ºC – 8 minutos
Capacidad máx. vaso2 litros2,2 litros
Capacidad máx. varoma3 litros3,3 litros
Velocidad máxima10.200 rpm10.700 rpm

¿Ya tienes a tu favorita?

En el caso de los dos modelos analizados, tanto la TM31 como la TM5 pueden serte más que suficientes para convertirte en todo un cocinillas. Sus diferencias entre sí no son nada del otro mundo, aunque siempre se agradece la capacidad y velocidad extra del modelo TM5.

Sin duda, Thermomix es la marca estrella dentro del segmento de robots de cocina, un título que se ha ganado a pulso. Como tampoco hay duda de que con cada nuevo modelo se reafirma. Eso sí, su calidad y popularidad también la sitúan en un segmentos de precios superior. Si el presupuesto no es un problema nosotros nos quedamos con la TM5, pero si vas más justito de money, en Cash Converters puedes hacerte con una Thermomix a un precio increíble, en perfecto estado y ¡con 2 años de garantía!

Thermomix TM31 vs TM5. Diferencias y recomendaciones. (6) El artículo Thermomix TM31 vs TM5. Diferencias y recomendaciones., escrito el 08 Agosto 2019 fue publicado por Tània Alba en la categoría Productos Top Cash y etiquetado como Comparativa ... ¿Quieres saber más? ¿Estás pensando en comprarte una Thermomix? En este post te vamos a contar que similitudes y...

Thermomix TM31 vs TM5. Diferencias y recomendaciones. (2024)


Is the TM5 better than the TM31? ›

The functionality of both machines are exactly the same. Both machines will cook the same, work the same, do the same thing. The main difference is in the technology with the touchscreen and the recipe chips of the TM5.

Which Thermomix model is the best? ›

Overall, the Thermomix TM5 is far and away the best of its category for its ease of use, powerful motor, simple design, and wealth of available recipes. The two clunky competitors we tested had less power and involved more interchangeable parts, plus had nothing like the TM5's built-in scale or recipe touchscreen.

Is the Thermomix TM6 better than the TM5? ›

The key differences between the Thermomix® TM6 and the TM5 are: The TM6 is a connected machine, using wifi to fully integrate Cookidoo® Guided Cooking really makes a big difference to your everyday cooking – making the process quicker and also you can be sure of never missing a step.

Is it worth upgrading TM5 to TM6? ›

From first glance the most obvious TM5 vs TM6 difference is the size of the screen. At 15.2cm x 20.3 cm (vs 8.9cm vs 12.7cm) the newer model has a significantly bigger, brighter and clearer screen. This allows for easier navigation through menus and also makes it easier to follow Cookidoo recipes.

How old is the Thermomix TM31? ›

Thermomix TM 21 (1996) Thermomix TM 31 (2004) Thermomix TM 5 (2014) Thermomix TM 6 (2019)

Can you still buy Thermomix TM5? ›

Thermomix TM5 has been discontinued. See the Best All-In-One Kitchen Appliances.

What are the disadvantages to Thermomix? ›

The downside to this superior technology is that it doesn't come cheap!
What can't the Thermomix do?
  • You can't roast food. ...
  • You can't fry food. ...
  • You can't pressure cook food.
  • You can't bake food. ...
  • You can't dehydrate food. ...
  • You can't preserve food.
23 Mar 2022

What is the lifespan of a Thermomix? ›

It also needs a new set of blades once they dull (worth more than a cheap blender), but you might get 5 or more years out of the blades. There's no way a Thermomix is saving you money compared to a cheap blender if you include the maintenance costs.

What can a Thermomix TM31 do? ›

The Thermomix is an all-in-one food processor and cooker with multiple functions. It can chop, mill, crush, grate and knead. It can saute, simmer, steam and blend. The latest TM6 model, also has multiple additional functions, including ferment, sous-vide, slow cook, rice cooker and egg boiler.

What is the most current Thermomix? ›

Cook smarter, not harder with Thermomix® TM6 and Cookidoo®, our exclusive recipe library. With access to thousands of step-by-step recipes on-screen, menu planning and inspiration, plus the freedom to cook your family favourites, you have everything you need in one sleek unit.

Why is Thermomix not popular in the US? ›

Besides costing nearly a grand and half, a steep price point, the system isn't as intuitive as your typical single-use appliance and even requires some degree of training. Considering that owning one involves a degree of personal investment, buyers aren't just committing themselves to a machine, but a lifestyle.

Does TM5 connect to Wi-Fi? ›

It enables a wireless connection between the Thermomix ® TM5 and the Thermomix ® Cookidoo® recipe portal via Wi-Fi. You only need a computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet to register the Cook-key ® once on your Cookidoo® user profile and to manage the wonderful treasury of recipes that you'll build up for yourself.

How much does it cost to service a Thermomix? ›

As part of the process, we will let you know if your Thermomix® is under warranty. If not, an online service for a Thermomix® will cost $149, plus additional if extra parts are required.

Do Thermomix consultants get a free Thermomix? ›

Get Started

Purchase a Thermomix® TM6™ to join as an Independent Consultant with our free virtual starter kit, available for a limited time only.

How much is a Thermomix TM31? ›

$2499. This is the typical retail price.

When did Thermomix TM5 come out? ›

The TM5 is the 5th iteration of the machine and it was launched September 5 2014, 10 years after the TM31 which was launched in 2004 and came to Canada late 2006. We were all expecting the TM6 in 2024.

Can you use Cookidoo with TM31? ›

When searching for recipes, use the Cookidoo® search filter to select the model or additional device that you are using (TM31, TM5, TM6 or Thermomix Friend®).

How can I get a free Thermomix? ›

There's no cost to joining us. If you sell 4 Thermomix in your first 3 months, you'll get your Thermomix for free!

How much is TM5 new? ›

Magimix Cook Expert

$2499. This is the typical retail price.

What is the oldest Thermomix? ›

The history of Thermomix ®

It all started in 1961, when Vorwerk's first universal kitchen appliance, the VKM5, appeared on the market. It brought together seven functions in all: stirring, kneading, cutting, grating, mixing, grinding and juicing.

Can you deep fry in a Thermomix? ›

Can you deep-fry in the Thermomix TM6? Sadly not, as the temperature controls don't go high enough to achieve temperatures ideal for deep-frying. The maximum temperature is 120c and you'd probably need 170-190c.

Does a Thermomix use a lot of electricity? ›

In fact the Thermomix is one of the most energy efficient appliances you can have!

Are Thermomix noisy? ›

The Thermomix ® works very quietly in almost all situations. As with all motorized kitchen appliances, the Thermomix® may get noisier for a short time when starting to chop hard foods such as grains, ice, or frozen fruits.

What country is Thermomix made? ›

Since its development in 1960, this revolutionary machine has taken Europe by storm and is growing in popularity across the world. Thermomix ® is now used in millions of kitchens worldwide, with at least two Thermomix ® appliances sold every minute! Today the Thermomix ® is manufactured in a Vorwerk plant in France.

Is Thermomix worth investing? ›

With its powerful set of blades, it can pulverize carrots, celeries, broccolis, and more in a matter of seconds! Then, I'd add them into my pasta sauces, soups, and even 'kuah' for an extra pump of nutrition. So, to answer your question, YES, THERMOMIX TM6 is worth the splurge!

Do Thermomix have a lifetime warranty? ›

comes with a 24-month warranty. Your Thermomix®, including the Varoma® comes with a 24-month warranty against faulty parts and workmanship when used in a domestic environment.

Does the TM5 Varoma fit the TM31? ›

The TM5 and the TM31 share 3 interchangeable parts: varoma lid, varoma tray, and simmering basket.

Can TM31 go in dishwasher? ›

Yes, all accessories are dishwasher-safe. Whether you're going to wash it by hand or in the dishwasher, always disassemble your mixing bowl. Dry it thoroughly and be especially careful with the pins on the bottom, before re-assembling it for your next cooking project.

How do you steam in Thermomix TM31? ›

If you have a TM31, Varoma temperature has it's own button (labelled 'Varoma'). If you have one of the newer TMs, then your Varoma temperature will be the LAST option on your temperature dial - you will see the word 'Varoma' appear on the middle circle of your screen. Easy as that!

Is there a new Thermomix being released? ›

In 2022, a tonne of new Thermomix® TM6 updates rolled out, including improved recipes and cleaning modes, security features and more! Thermomix® TM6 updates rolled out throughout 2022 and are designed to make your life in the kitchen even easier.

Who is Thermomix competitor? ›'s top 5 competitors in September 2022 are:,,, cookidoo. international, and more.

Is the Thermomix 2022 worth it? ›

Although a little on the expensive side it is definitely worth the money especially if you are living in an apartment as it's an all in one appliance with inbuilt scales. Cooking can literally be done by anyone who can read! Simply and easy to follow instructions.

How do I update my Thermomix TM5? ›

When Cook-Key ® is attached to Thermomix ® TM5, an automatic check for the latest software is already on your Thermomix ® TM5. If there is a new update available you will get a notification on your Thermomix ® TM5 display where you can confirm the software update.

What do professional chefs use Thermomix for? ›

For professional kitchens, Thermomix has become the tool of choice for blending, purées, hot and cold sauces, ice-cream mixes, crème pât, and much more. Thermomix purées are so fine that you can reduce or eliminate passing/sieving.

Is Thermomix as good as vitamix? ›

Vitamix and Thermomix both have a high-power motor with similar capabilities, however, when compared side-by-side, the Vitamix is a bit more powerful when it comes to sheer blending performance.

Can I take my Thermomix on the plane? ›

If you have a TM5 or TM6, you'll need to pack it in its' original box and foam packaging (I hope you saved it!), mark the box as FRAGILE (and make it clear which way up it should be), then put it through with the suitcases. Don't forget to add an extra bag to your luggage allowance.

Do they use Thermomix on MasterChef? ›

Sous vide cooker

MasterChef are partnered with Thermomix, which can be used to sous-vide - but if you want to avoid the hefty price tag, there's a few alternatives that work just as well.

Can Thermomix pressure cook? ›

The Thermomix swaps out the ability to pressure cook and replaces it with a powerful blade that can chop, grind, emulsify, stir, and blend. Without a motor or any kind of blade, the Instant Pot—and really any multi-cooker on the market—can't do any of that.

Does TM31 bowl fit TM5? ›

Different design and size of the TM31 bowl, not fitting in to the TM5 and vice versa. The reason is that the TM5 bowl is made from a material that cannot withstand the highest temperatures of the TM6 and vice versa.

Does TM5 have Wi-Fi? ›

It enables a wireless connection between the Thermomix ® TM5 and the Thermomix ® Cookidoo® recipe portal via Wi-Fi. You only need a computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet to register the Cook-key ® once on your Cookidoo® user profile and to manage the wonderful treasury of recipes that you'll build up for yourself.

Can you use Cookidoo 3.0 on TM5? ›

Can I use Cookidoo 3.0 on my TM5? Cookidoo 3.0, provides full desktop and mobile app functionality for TM5 users. Browse, plan and create shopping lists on your Cookidoo browser or app and create, import and modify your favourite recipes. Save them all in one place and cook them with your Thermomix.

When did the Thermomix TM5 come out? ›

The TM5 is the 5th iteration of the machine and it was launched September 5 2014, 10 years after the TM31 which was launched in 2004 and came to Canada late 2006. We were all expecting the TM6 in 2024.

How can I get Cookidoo for free? ›

Upon registering on Cookidoo®, the first 30 days are free of charge. After activating a New Cook-Key® or a new TM6 in the Cookidoo® portal under My Devices/Add Device, the first 6 months are also free and can be added to the end of your first 30-day trial OR to your annual subscription.

How do you update TM5? ›

When Cook-Key ® is attached to Thermomix ® TM5, an automatic check for the latest software is already on your Thermomix ® TM5. If there is a new update available you will get a notification on your Thermomix ® TM5 display where you can confirm the software update.

Does TM5 have fermentation mode? ›

If you have the newest version of the Thermomix, the TM6, you'll have a fermentation mode which will hold temperature for long periods of time enabling yoghurt cultures to flourish. The TM5 also has an automated yoghurt function.

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.